We made a gingerbread house Monday night and the next morning Noah said "that was the best family home evening ever". Don't you love that? We had Christmas music and a fire going. It was great. I do have to say though that I prefer the Costco kit to Sam's. We tried Sams club and there is not as much candy, no chimney etc. But it was still fun. This morning I woke up and found that the boys had woken up earlier than me and picked away at it. I forgot that I usually put it up high. Seth was the main culprit with icing all over his school shirt and crumbs of icing all over the table and floor. I would like to say I made him clean it up but I didn't and I would like to say I learned my lesson and put it up but I didn't. We all kind of picked at it all day. Oh well.
The city of Murrieta has painted big white stars on different streets all over the city and every year they bring Santa with carolers, rudolph and frosty in a sleigh. We are sitting in our house tonight and all of the sudden hear sirens and loud voices. This means that they are here on our street. We all run out quickly to see santa and take pictures with him. The kids all get candy canes and we get to listen to the carolers and chat with neighbors. It is kind of a neat little city tradition. Here were the pictures we took. Nate was not in the one with Seth and Noah because he ran back to the house for me to get canned food as they were collecting that as well. He's a good kid that Nate!